The Lamb Family's Tornado Experience

My Place after the Tornado

Lamb family tornado experience

This picture is a shot looking from my kitchen west at what was my office (on the other side of the door had been my garage).

Lamb family tornado experience

This is the south side of the house. All the west windows were blown out. The irrigation pipe that is all over, was stacked on the far side of our shed. (The shed would have been not far from where I was standing to take the picture) We were amazed that none of the pipe ended up inside the house.

Lamb family tornado experience

This is of the east/north corner of the house. One would think this part of the house is OK, but actually 1/2 of the porch's ceiling is on the floor (this was Keith's bedroom). The two bathroom's were the only two rooms that did not have part of their ceilings down. In the foreground one can see a huge tree that was uprooted.

Lamb family tornado experience

This is our shed. On the other side was where the flood irrigation pipe was stacked up. (This is looking west).

My blazer was inside the shed to, but did not sustain much damage. It is in the body shop right now getting fixed. It should look like new when they are done. (Thank goodness we had one vehicle that worked- once we could get it out of the shed's door) Mike's work pick-up was inside the shed also, it was in pretty bad shape and lost its front windshield, but it got fixed right away.